Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Our Google Pay Per Click Department Advises-3 Quick and Easy Ways to Identify Funds for Your Web Content Advertising and Marketing Spending Plan

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Your Google Pay Per Click Company's Weekly Tip

Denver Integrated Marketing Solutions your Google pay per click company would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding 3 easy ways to find money for your content marketing budget.

This obstacle can be overwhelming at times. While overcoming this obstacle is often a tricky proposition, we want you to know that you can find this budget if we are looking in the right places.

Method One - Calculate the Costs of Unused content

Your Google pay per click specialists knows that first, we need to have a very solid understanding of your organization’s current content costs and utilization. So with this in mind, let’s start by taking a look at the calculating costs.

Step 1: Conduct an audit for a sample of the content your organization is producing. 

Step 2: Then we need to apply the average costs in order to gain a sense for the size of the problem.

For this example, let’s say your organization is creating 1200 pieces of content per year with an average cost of $200 each. Therefore, your organization would currently be spending $240,000 on content every year.

You can find more information as well as get assistance on Bing pay per click strategy and on 3 easy ways to find money for your content marketing budget at Denver Integrated Marketing Solutions

Next, we need to understand exactly how much of your organization’s content is actually getting used. On average, 60-70% of content goes completely unused; and so we need to remember, content that gets created, but never used is 100% waste of our money and our time.

Your Bing pay per click experts say that based on this information, we can take the organizations current production costs and subtract the amount the amount that gets used to find how much money your organization is wasting on unused content. Then for this example, your organization is wasting between $144,00 and $168,000 on unused content each year.

Method Two - Borrow Budget From Underperforming Digital Assets

The next place we can look for budget is from the opportunity costs of under-performing digital assets (ie: advertising).

We know customers are tuning out advertising. $1 spent on digital banner ads will under-perform $1 on content marketing in almost any category.

  • The average click-through rate of display ads is 0.1% (DoubleClick)
  • Only 8% of internet uses account for 85% of clicks on display ads (and some of them aren’t even humans) (comScore)

Method Three - Approach Flushed Teams with a Partnership Opportunity

Advertising campaign landing pages are another traditionally expensive, yet underperforming digital asset to potentially borrow budget from.

So keep in mind these 3 easy ways for finding money to enhance your content marketing budget, 1)  calculate the costs of unused content, 2)  borrow budget from underperforming digital assets, and 3)  approach flushed teams with a partnership opportunity.

Denver internet marketing company has more information on Google pay per click solutions, Bing pay per click solutions, and 3 easy ways to find money for your content marketing budget.

This post originally appeared on

via How To Find The Money For Content Marketing

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